Travels, music, technology... Random missives from my consciousness.

27 March 2006

Good stuff

Expressing gratitude is good! Let's go! Here's a bunch of people and things that I'm grateful for, as they make life better in big and small ways!

- amazing family and friends who make me feel so loved and cherished, and always have advice to share
- being in love :)
- watching the squirrels that play in the trees outside my office window, they're so agile!
- the cute girl who cooks me a fried egg for breakfast, on the mornings when I don't have any fruit left in the fridge
- staying in touch with so many friends even when I'm far away thanks to t'Internet
- interesting conversations about philosophy and spirituality
- the sweet ladies who clean my apartment. They are so smiley and they make everything so much more spick and span than I ever could!
- the smell of jasmine garlands when they've hung on the wall for a day
- beautiful Thai silk in purple with elephants woven into the design
- birds singing in the trees despite being in the middle of a city

That's just a few of the things... :)


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